Mr. Lee to Mr. Rockhill.
Habana, August 19, 1896.
Sir: With reference to my dispatch, No. 79, of the 11th instant, in which I communicated to the Department the answer of the Governor-General to the inquiry if funds subscribed in the United States to ameliorate the condition of the American prisoners of the Competitor, in confinement at the Cabaña fortress, might be forwarded them to provide them better food and accommodations, I have now the honor to transmit a copy translation of another communication from General Weyler, to the effect that the governor of the fort has been asked to report on the condition of said prisoners; and with respect to their food, which is the same as that supplied to all prisoners by the municipal authorities, they might obtain it at their own expense and of better quality.
I therefore infer from said communication that the friends of the prisoners will be allowed to transmit them funds, either through this office, to be delivered to them direct, or to purchase food to be sent them.
I am, etc.,