Mr. Lee to Mr. Rockhill.

No. 50.]

Sir: I herewith transmit copy translation of a communication received from the father of Alfredo Laborde, the captain of the schooner Competitor, and signed “The families of the Competitor’s prisoners,” in which a request is made of me to intercede with the honorable Secretary of State that our Government may ask for the pardon of the Competitor’s prisoners.

I forward the same for such action as the honorable Secretary of State shall deem best to take in the matter.

I am, etc.,

Fitzhugh Lee.
[Inclosure in No. 50.]

The Consul-General of the United States,

The consul-general is requested to intercede with the honorable Secretary of State, that he in turn may appeal to the Spanish Government, in order to obtain the pardon of the captain and crew of the schooner Competitor.

Should the consul-general decide to do so by cable, there would be an opportunity by said pardon to solemnize the birthday of Her Majesty the Queen Regent, which is celebrated the 21st of this month.

It is unquestionable that the Spanish Government must thank the United States Government for the attitude it has observed during this civil war, always favorable to the former, notwithstanding the popular manifestations against it, which has been expressed by all the organs of public opinion in the United States.

Therefore, if in the strict ground of law there are no terms wherein to request what is hereby petitioned of the consul-general, yet on the ground of grace and mercy there is room enough without counting also that every occasion is fit to perform a good action.

The high illustration and intelligence of the consul-general will add to this petition such other considerations as may give it more strength and greater probabilities of a favorable result.

The Families of the Competitor’s Prisoners.