Mr. Baker, chargé, to Mr. Olney.

No. 715.]

Sir: I transmit herewith copies of telegrams addressed to and sent from this legation upon the change in the diplomatic relations between the United States and the Governments of Nicaragua and Salvador.

The late minister of foreign relations in Salvador, Señor J. Castellanos, states very clearly that the Diet assumes the functions of the offices of foreign relations of the three Republics.

I had the honor to send you a copy of the circular to which his excellency refers in my No. 714 of October 14.

I have, etc.,

John F. Baker,
Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.
[Inclosure 1 in No. 715.]

Mr. Baker, chargé, to Mr. Castellanos.

Has Diet taken charge Salvador diplomatic affairs and has your foreign office been abolished? Please answer by telegraph.

[Inclosure 2 in No. 715.—Translation.]

Mr. Castellanos to Mr. Baker, chargé.

In answer to the cablegram of your excellency, I have the honor to indicate that the Diet established by the treaty of Amapala being installed, it assumes the functions of the offices of foreign relations of the three Governments. This I conveyed to the knowledge of your excellency through the medium of a circular addressed to the diplomatic corps, which I suppose you already have received.

J. Castellanos.