Mr. Coxe to Mr. Olney.

No. 13.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a note from Mr. Bonilla, minister of foreign affairs, to Mr. Pringle, just received, dated October 1, 1896, transmitting certified copy of the decree of like date suppressing the ministry of foreign affairs of the Government of Honduras, together with a copy of such certified copy; also translations of both note and decree. This is confirmatory of the information I had, as communicated to the Department in my No. 9, of October 15, 1896.

I have a letter from Mr. Little, consul at Tegucigalpa, by the same mail, in which he tells me that he has already sent this decree to the Department. I, nevertheless, take the liberty of transmitting it in the ordinary course as well.

I have, etc.,

Macgrane Coxe.
[Inclosure 1 in No. 13.—Translation.]

Mr. Bonilla to Mr. Pringle.

Mr. Chargé d’Affaires: Complying with the instructions of the President of the Republic, I have the honor to send to your excellency for the information of your Government pamphlet copy, duly authenticated, of a decree this day promulgated, by which the ministry of foreign affairs of the Government of Honduras is declared suppressed, in virtue of which the exercise of the temporary sovereignty of the Republics of Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua, signatories of the treaty of Amapala, of June 20, 1895 (of which the Diet should have already advised your excellency), devolves upon the Diet of the Greater Republic of Central America.

It gives me pleasure to embrace this opportunity to tender to your excellency the expression of my grateful appreciation for your exquisite courtesy in all official communications which have passed with this ministry of state during the time that I have had the honor of discharging its duties.

I subscribe myself, etc.,

César Bonilla.
[Inclosure 2 in No. 13.—Translation.]


Whereas this Government has received official advices that the Diet of the Greater Republic of Central America has been installed in the city of San Salvador in pursuance of the terms of the treaty of Amapala, of June 20, 1895, negotiated between Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua; and

Whereas the exercise of the temporary sovereignty of the Republics agreeing to the said treaty devolves upon the Diet, the principal object of which is to maintain the closest harmony with all the nations with whom the said Republics maintain the relations of friendship, and to resolve all questions pending and which may arise in the future between the said Republics and any other nation whatsoever; and

Whereas in virtue of the premises there is no need for the existence of the department of state in the offices of foreign affairs of the three Republics which now form the new political entity, but for the maintenance of relations among themselves it [Page 395] is necessary to determine the department of state which should assume the necessary functions.

Now, therefore, the President, by virtue of his power, orders—

The ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Honduras is declared suppressed.
The relations between the States agreeing to the treaty of Amapala shall be maintained through the medium of a secretaryship of state in the office of “Gobernacion,” in which shall be created an especial section under the name of “Interior Affairs.”
The subordinate employees of the ministry of foreign affairs will pass over to the ministry of “Gobernacion” to lend their services in this especial section, and their pay shall be taken from the respective portion of the budget for the said portfolio voted by the national Congress; and
Also the archives and documents of the ministry of foreign relations shall remain in the care of the ministry of “Gobernacion,” and an inventory of all of them shall be made, and a statement of all pending cases shall be given to the Diet.

Let it be published and recorded.

César Bonilla,
Secretary of State in the Office of Foreign Relations.