Mr. Coxe to Mr. Olney.

No. 12.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 9, of October 15, 1896, I have the honor to transmit herewith a telegram (and translation) from Cesar Bonilla received October 17, 1896, evidently in reply to my telegram referred to in said No. 9, although it alludes to my telegram as being sent on the 8th instant, whereas it was sent on the 15th instant.

I have, etc.,

Macgrane Coxe.
[Inclosure in No. 12.—Telegram.—Translation.]

Mr. Bonilla to Mr. Coxe.

By the mail of the 1st instant I had the honor to communicate to your excellency that by a decree of the same date, a copy of which I was sending you separately, the ministry of foreign relations of the Government of Honduras was suppressed, the exercise of the temporary sovereignty of this Republic devolving upon the Diet established at San Salvador in conformity with the treaty of Amapala, of June 20, 1895. As I am presently in charge of the ministry of the Government which has assumed the duties of that of the foreign affairs in all matters concerning the Diet, I have been handed your telegram, dated the 8th of this month, directed to the minister of foreign affairs, in which you transcribe your telegram to Señor E. Mendoza, secretary of the Diet, informing him that without instructions from your Government you can not enter into official relations with the functionaries of the Greater Republic of Central America. The President of Honduras has taken note of the contents of said telegram and thanks your excellency for the courtesy of communicating it.

With assurances, etc.,

César Bonilla.