Mr. Rodriguez to
Mr. Olney.
Washington, D. C., December 1, 1896.
Señor J. D. Rodriguez has the honor to offer his respects to His
Excellency Mr. Secretary Olney, and to state to him that he is the
bearer of letters which accredit him as envoy extraordinary and minister
plenipotentiary of the Greater Republic of Central America to the
Government of the United States of America, of which letters he
transmits a copy.
Señor Rodriguez begs, at the same time, of His Excellency Mr. Secretary
Olney to be pleased to indicate to him the day and hour when His
Excellency President Cleveland will deign to receive him in his official
character, and he likewise sends him in advance herewith a copy of the
brief address which he proposes to make to the President on that
[Inclosure—Mr. Rodriguez’s letters of
The Diet of the Greater Republic of Central
America to His Excellency the President of the United States of
Great and Good Friend: A few days ago we
had the honor to bring to Your Excellency’s knowledge the political
transformation effected by the Republics of Salvador, Honduras, and
Nicaragua by merging their exterior sovereignty in one sole
[sovereignty]; and in the desire of continuing to cultivate the
relations which have existed individually between those Republics
and the United States of America we have seen fit to appoint Don
José Dolores Rodriguez envoy extraordinary and minister
plenipotentiary to the Government of your excellency.
The personal qualifications of Señor Rodriguez lead us to hope that
your excellency will be pleased to receive him with benevolence and
give full credit to all that he may affirm, especially when he
assures your excellency of the friendship and sympathy with which
the great nation of the continent inspires them and the prayers they
offer for its prosperity and the personal welfare of your
With sentiments of the highest consideration, we have the honor,
etc., your faithful and good friends.
Jacinto Castellanos.
E. Constantino
Salvador, October 1,
A true copy.