Mr. Mendoza to Mr.
Salvador, September 22,
Sir: I have the honor herewith to transmit to
your excellency, together with the usual office copy, an autograph
letter, which the Diet of the Greater Republic of Central America
addresses to His Excellency Mr. Cleveland, President of the United
States of North America, informing him of the new political organization
agreed upon by the Republics of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador.
Begging your excellency to be pleased to transmit the letter to its high
destination, I have the honor to beg you to accept the assurances of my
most distinguished consideration.
The Diet of the Greater Republic of Central
America to His Excellency the President of the United States of
Great and Good Friend: The Republics of
Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador, by a treaty concluded in the port
of Amapala, Honduras, on the 20th day of June, 1895, which was
ratified by the respective legislative bodies of the three
Republics, and the ratifications of which were exchanged in this
city on the 15th instant, agreed to form a single political
organization for the exercise of their external sovereignty, with
the title of the Greater Republic of Central America, to be
represented by a diet composed of three members, elected by each of
the legislative bodies.
The undersigned, having been honored by being chosen as such
representatives, deem it to be their just duty to inform your
excellency of the change which has been effected and of their firm
purpose to continue to cultivate, with the utmost diligence, the
cordial relations which have existed between the United States of
America and the signatory Republics individually. They further
desire to inform you that all obligations contracted by each one of
them will be religiously fulfilled, provided that they are not
incompatible with the new political organization which has been
With best wishes for the prosperity of the North American nation and
for your excellency’s personal happiness, the undersigned have the
honor, etc.,
Jacinto Castellanos.
E. Constantino
Salvador, September 19,
A true copy.