Mr. Thurston to Mr. Gresham.
Washington, D. C., March 15, 1895.
Sir: Referring further to the alleged violation of the United States neutrality laws by Captain Martin of the schooner Wahlberg, I have the honor to further state that I am this morning informed by telegram from San Francisco, by Mr. W. A. Kinney, an attorney in the service of the Hawaiian Government, that he arrived in San Francisco yesterday with Mr. Townsend, the witness mentioned in my first statement upon this subject, and Mr. Warren, whose evidence is of a similar character to that of Mr. Townsend, with instructions from the Hawaiian Government to render to the United States authorities all assistance within his power in connection with the prosecution of those who may have been deemed to have violated the neutrality laws of the United States in the case referred to. Mr. Kinney also telegraphs me that he is informed that the Wahlberg has been released from custody and that Captain Martin, now at San Diego, Cal., is about to leave the country.
For the purpose of informing my Government as to the status of the matter, I respectfully request to be informed what, if any, action has been taken by the United States authorities concerning the alleged violation of the United States neutrality laws; and also what, if any, action is proposed to be taken by the United States Government concerning the same.
I desire, further, to point out to you the extreme importance to the Hawaiian Government of securing the punishment of those so violating the neutrality laws, if such violation has taken place, as the recent insurrection, which was attended with the loss of life and great pecuniary loss to the Government and people of Hawaii, was made possible only by the use of the arms landed by Captain Martin from the Wahlberg; and if such action can be repeated with impunity it will constitute a standing menace to the peace and security of Hawaii.
I desire also to submit that the facts heretofore submitted to you in this connection constitute a violation by Captain Martin of the neutrality laws of the United States, more particularly of section 5286 of the Revised Statutes, and respectfully urge that he may be prosecuted therefor.
With renewed assurances, etc.,