Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney.
Constantinople, October 30, 1895. (Received Nov. 18.)
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that the following is a correct copy of my telegram of yesterday informing you of fatal disturbances at Bitlis and of the threat announced by leading Mussulmans unless the missionaries left the district of Sassoun, viz:
Seven hundred are reported killed at Bitlis. No details. Porte says Mohammedans were attacked by Armenians while at prayer in the mosques. Mr. Hampson, distributing agent British relief fund in Sassoun district, telegraphs British ambassador that leading Mohammedans at Mush, after consulting with Armenian council, have, to restore confidence, declared that missionaries must leave within three days or something would happen as at Bitlis. The only missionaries in Sassoun district are Americans, Cole and Reynolds, engaged in work distributing British relief funds under instructions embassy.
I have agreed with British embassy it would be prudent for missionaries to suspend distribution for the present and retire. Have warned Porte that Turkey would be held responsible for safety of every American missionary.
The Mohammedans believe that the distribution of alms in the district of Sassoun is used as a cover to supply munitions of war to the Armenians. * * * The arming of the Mohammedan populace everywhere goes on where they can purchase firearms, and boldness in demanding that the imprisonment on suspicion of our people and the insulting disregard of my remonstrances shall cease seemed the only road for future safety.
This consideration alone inspired my note to the Porte on the 28th, of which I will at once inform you by cipher telegram.
I have, etc.,