Mr. Adee to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme.
Washington, July 5, 1895.
Sir: I have the honor to apprise you—having regard to previous correspondence upon the subject—of the receipt of a letter from the Secretary of the Navy of the 2d instant, covering a report from the commanding officer of the U. S. S. Raleigh, in regard to the orders under which he is acting to assist the civil authorities in carrying out the neutrality laws of the United States on the coast of Florida and vicinity. Captain Miller’s report is dated Tampa Bay, Florida, the 29th ultimo, and shows that he sailed from Key West on the 24th of June, and that he proceeded along the reefs to the westward as far as Tortugas; he then followed the reefs and coast to the eastward and northward to Tampa Bay. He had a conference with the collector of the port of Tampa, and regards it not at all probable that any attempt to violate the neutrality laws will be made from that point or from the reefs to the westward of Key West. Captain Miller thinks that in case any men should leave for Cuba they will first go to some eastern point, or to Key West by the ordinary routes of travel, and from there make the attempt, if at all; but the feeling seems to be very general in that quarter that no serious attempt will be made.
He expected to sail for Key West on the 1st instant.
Accept, etc.,
Acting Secretary.