Mr. Smythe to Mr. Gresham.
Port au Prince Haiti, February 23, 1895. (Received Mar. 5.)
Sir: I have received your No. 77, transmitting the memorial of Bernard Campbell, and the accompanying inclosures.
[Page 813]The fact that so long a time has elapsed since the injury he complains of without a demand for reparation, I am afraid, will very much prejudice the case, as would also the fact that he has subsequently been naturalized as an American citizen should it be known to the Haitian authorities.
I will do all in my power, however, to secure the favorable consideration of the commission, which will assemble during the present week, and which is much more likely to award him substantial damages than the foreign office would be. The protocol governing the commission is substantially the same as that agreed upon by the French and English legations in 1892, and the German minister recently. All the modifications are such as I demanded, and it will be signed as soon as the foreign secretary suggests another commissioner to take the place of one to whom I objected because he is in the pay of the Haitian Government. I am sure you will approve the protocol.
I am, etc.,