Mr. Neill to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Lima, Peru, October 15,
1890. (Received November 14.)
No. 171.]
Sir: I have the honor to report in connection
with my No. 162, September 22, 1890, relative to the claim of the
Hydrographic Commission of the Amazon against the Government of Pern, I
am able to transmit to the Department a copy and a translation of a note
received this day from Dr. Elmore, the minister for foreign relations,
and copy of my reply to the minister’s communication.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Mr. Elmore to Mr.
Ministry of Foreign Relations,
Lima, October 14, 1890.
No. 19.]
Sir: In answer to the esteemed favor of
your excellency, dated September 22, last, I beg to inform you that
I have addressed a communication to the minister of finance,
pointing out to him the necessity of asking Congress to vote the
necessary funds in order to meet the credit of the Hydrographic
Commission of the Amazon under Admiral Tucker.
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Mr. Neill to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Lima, October 16, 1890.
No. 27.]
Mr. Minister: I have the honor to
acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s note of the 4th
instant, relating to the payment of the members of the Hydrographic
Commission of the Amazon.
I shall duly forward a copy of your excellency’s attentive note, with
a translation, to my Government, fully believing that your
excellency will see that justice is done to the claimants after so
many years of patient waiting.