Mr. Neill to Mr. Blaine.

No. 162.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt this morning of your instruction, No. 73, of August 27, 1890, relative to the claim of the Hydrographic Commission of the Amazon against the Government of Peru.

I at once complied with your instructions as per copy herewith of my note to the foreign office. I was unable to see Dr. Elmore, as he had gone to Congress. However, Dr. Weisse, the chief clerk, informed me that I should have a reply without delay, but not for this mail, which closes early to-morrow morning,

I might mention in connection with this claim that I took a memorandum to the chief clerk of the foreign office on September 5, 1890, relative to this same subject.

I have, etc.,

Richard R. Neill.
[Page 1046]
[Inclosure in No. 162.]

Mr. Neill to Mr. Elmore.

No. 26.]

Mr. Minister: I have just received special instructions from my Government to again call your excellency’s attention to the claim of the Hydrographic Commission of the Amazon against the Government of Peru.

I most respectfully call the attention of your excellency to the note of the Hon. John Hicks, United States minister, dated November 2, 1889, to his excellency Señor Doctor Manuel Yrigoyen, then in charge of the foreign office, urging the payment of this just claim, which was ordered so many years ago, and to the reply of the minister, No. 20, of November 23, 1889.

My Government is anxious to know whether the ministerio de hacienda has made any report in regard to this claim, and if not, expresses the hope that your excellency will make all efforts for the payment of this just claim as soon as possible.

Hoping that your excellency will keep me fully informed on this subject,

I avail myself, etc.,

Richard R. Neill.