Mr. Butler to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Mexico, February 22,
1895. (Received Feb. 27.)
No. 437.]
Sir: Per inclosure herewith you will be
apprised that this legation conveyed to the Mexican Government in the
name of His Excellency the President of the United States and that of
the American people their deep appreciation of the signal and touching
tributes of esteem on the part of His Excellency the President and the
Government of Mexico paid to the memory of Minister Gray.
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure in No. 437.]
Mr. Butler to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Mexico, February 18, 1895.
Mr. Minister: Referring to my note of the
16th instant, expressive of the sincere appreciation by Mrs. Gray
and her son Bayard of the friendly sympathy conveyed in your
excellency’s kindly note of the 15th instant, I have the honor to
advise you that, by cablegram, I am directed through the Department
of State, at Washington, D. C., by His Excellency the President of
the United States to convey in his name and that of the American
people their deep appreciation of the signal and touching tributes
of esteem on the part of His Excellency the President and the
Government of Mexico paid to the memory of Minister Gray.
Praying that you will be pleased to convey to President Diaz this
expression of appreciation, accepting for yourself our heartfelt
gratitude, I subscribe myself, etc.,