Mr. Gresham to Mr. Kurino.
Washington, March 27, 1895.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 23d instant, by which you convey to me, under instructions by telegraph from His Excellency Viscount Mutsu, an expression of the high appreciation felt by your Government in view of the exchange of ratifications of the recently negotiated treaty between the two countries, adding your personal gratification at the agreeable outcome of your and my endeavors to reach conclusions in accord with the mutual friendliness and interests of the United States and Japan.
It affords me sincere pleasure to receive the cordial assurances you thus communicate, and to express in reply the reciprocal satisfaction I feel in having contributed to bring about a fuller recognition of the high principles which have long controlled the relations of the United States and Japan and to embody them in conventional engagements which I am happy to believe will prove advantageous to both.
Accept, etc.,