Mr. Olney to Governor McIntire.
Washington, December 27, 1895.
Sir: With reference to previous correspondence touching the prosecution of the parties suspected of perpetrating the outrages upon Italian subjects at the Walsenburg mines, I have the honor to inform you that the Italian ambassador at this capital feels some apprehension lest local prejudice may influence the minds of the grand jury before whom the matter will regularly come for investigation, and that his Government would be better satisfied if the inquiry should be made by a grand jury of some other county sufficiently remote from the locality of the occurrence to insure unbiased consideration of the evidence that may be submitted.
Without knowing whether his request is practicable under the constitution and laws of the State of Colorado, I submit it for such action as to you may seem proper, feeling assured that all lawful effort will be made to ascertain who are the guilty parties and to bring them to justice.
I have, etc.,