Baron Fava to Mr. Gresham.
Washington, March 18, 1895.
Mr. Secretary of State:
I have received, as an inclosure to your excellency’s note of this date, the text of the telegram which was addressed to you yesterday by his excellency the governor of Colorado for the purpose of informing you that the competent district attorney will take all necessary steps to cause the persons who are guilty of the murder of the Italians at Walsenburg to be arrested and punished, and that his excellency has issued a proclamation offering a reward of $1,000 for their arrest and punishment.
I have already communicated the foregoing to His Majesty’s Government, and in the meantime I have the honor to convey to your excellency, and through you to his excellency the aforesaid governor, my personal thanks for this communication, the importance of which is fully appreciated by me.
Be pleased to accept, etc.,