Mr. Olney to Mr. Lazo Arriaga.
Washington, February 12, 1896.
Sir: In compliance with your verbal request, I have the honor to inclose for the use of the Government of Honduras in prosecuting the persons charged with the murder of Charles W. Renton a report1 of [Page 935] the commanding officer of the U. S. S. Montgomery, showing the result of an investigation made by him under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy at Truxillo and other points on the coast of Honduras. It is hoped that the facts brought out by the commander of the Montgomery will be useful to the prosecuting officers in Honduras as a guide to their investigation of this crime and as a suggestion of the sources of evidence that may be used with effect in the prosecution.
With respect to the suggestion that the testimony of Mrs. Renton, who was an eyewitness to the killing of her husband, would be of great? value to the prosecuting officers, I have the honor to say that Mrs. Renton is unwilling and in fact afraid to return to Honduras and testify in the trial court. If, however, there be any legal means of using at the trial her testimony taken at her home in New York, this Department will be glad to aid your Government in obtaining a sworn statement from Mrs. Renton as to all the material facts with regard to the crime of which she has personal knowledge.
On the day of your visit to the Department (February 6) I telegraphed the United States minister, then at Tegucigalpa, that the claim for indemity and damages might rest in abeyance for a reasonable time to await the result of the trial. I have no desire to complicate the existing conditions by pressing a claim for damages while the eifort to punish the perpetrators of the crime is being made. The claim is, therefore, withheld for the time being without prejudice and without any intimation as to the action which may be finally taken respecting it. It is earnestly hoped that the charge against these parties, who, from the reports before this Department, are clearly guilty of marder, may be promptly and vigorously prosecuted in the criminal courts of Honduras and that upon conviction punishment may be administered to them without undue delay.
After the conclusion of the trial final action will be taken respecting the pending claim both upon the murder of Mr. Renton and the practical confiscation of his and his wife’s property in Honduras.
Accept, etc.,