Mr. Green to Mr. Pierce.

Sir: I am commanded by His Majesty the King to thank you in his name and in that of His Majesty’s Government, and through you Commander Belknap and Commander Skerrett, of the U. S. S. Tuscarora and Portsmouth, for the prompt arid efficient aid rendered to the local authorities in suppressing the riot in this city on the 12th instant.

The events of that day, unfortunate as they may have been, served to exhibit the feelings of friendship which exist between the two countries and the certainty with which this Government may rely in cases of emergency upon the cordial and disinterested coöperation of the representatives and ships of the United States, as well as those of Her Britannic Majesty.

I have the honor to be, with great respect and high consideration, your excellency’s, etc.,

W. L. Green.

His Excellency Henry A. Pierce,
Minister Resident of the United States.