Mr. Willis to Mr. Gresham.
Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, March 24, 1894.
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that having been notified by the consul for Italy, Mr. F. A. Schaefer, that the 14th instant being the fiftieth anniversary of the birthday of His Majesty Umberto I, King of Italy, would be commemorated as a national jubilee, I accepted for our Government this invitation to join in the observance of the day.
The occasion was recognized in the usual manner at this legation and at the consulate. There being no Italian ship of war in this port, Admiral Irwin had the vessels under his command dressed in honor of the occasion and fired a national salute at noon.
The consul acknowledged these civilities in a courteous note and expressed his intention to bring them to the notice of his Government.
I have, etc.,