No. 21.
Mr. Edmund
Norrie to Mr. C. B.
Hon. C. B. Wilson, Honolulu:
Sir: In response to your request to reduce to writing the verbal report which I made to you on January 17 in regard to the situation at the Government building and surroundings at the time of the proclamation of the Provisional Government I beg to submit it as follows:
I entered the Government building about 1 o’clock p.m. and went to the foreign office where I, from the window in the minister’s private [Page 1067] office, watched the movements of the United States forces which were stationed on the Hayselden premises. The attached roughly-drawn diagram shows that the sailors were marched up from Kekaulike street through the alleyway between the opera house and the Arion Hall, and stood in the yard belonging to the premises occupied by Mr. Nakayama, inspector of Japanese.
Two Gatling guns were placed at the entrance to the said alley, trailed on the main entrance of the Government building. About 1:45 p.m. the placing of the troops was accomplished and the men stood at “attention,” the infantry with arms “ordered,” the artillerists with the drawing ropes of the guns in their hand s ready to move. I estimated that one company with the half battery of Gatlings occupied Kekaulike street and the alley, while the rest of the sailors with two other guns were in the yard between the Arion Hall and Nakayama’s house. I went down to Palace Square to see if the insurgents were beginning to move on the Government building as expected. In the gateway of Nakayama’s premises towards Palace Square stood two officers of the Boston with drawn swords looking towards the town. I now saw Mr. Dole and a body of men coming up through Merchant street towards the Government buildings. They were crossing Alake street when I saw them. The Boston officers saw them at the same time and immediately went to Arion Hall. I returned to the foreign office and took up my place at the window overlooking the Arion Hall.
I noticed that all the Boston officers had placed themselves in the proper positions with their men ready to make a move. At this time Mr. Charles L. Carter came riding on horseback very fast towards the Arion Hall from Queen street [indicated by arrow on diagram] and stopped outside the Arion Hall, dismounted and entered the gate. Capt. Wiltse and another officer were sitting on the veranda of the hall facing the Government building. Mr. Carter approached Capt. Wiltse and handed him a large envelope, which he opened, and after having read the contents placed it in his pocket. He said something to the officer with him, who left, and going among the troops spoke to the different officers. Mr. Carter remounted and left by the same route along Queen street. A few minutes after Mr. Dole and party turned the corner of Palace Square and entered the Government yard from Kekaulike street and thence to the main entrance of the building, where they stopped and Mr. Cooper read the proclamation. As soon as he had finished I left and reported to you.