Mr. von Mumm to Mr. Blaine.
Mr. Secretary of State: Acting under instructions from my Government, I have the honor to inform you that according to Article iv, section 2, of the Samoan treaty, Mr. Carl Eggert, until now secretary to the imperial commissioner for the Marshall Islands, has been appointed by the Imperial Government as German member of the commission for the investigation and registration of titles to land in Samoa.
Mr. Eggert having been connected for a considerable length of time with the imperial consulate at Apia, and being acquainted with the art of surveying, seems especially well fitted to fill the position to which he has been appointed.
I have now the honor to suggest that you may likewise cause a member of the said commission to be appointed on behalf of the United States Government, in order that the commission may be able to begin its work as soon as possible after the arrival of the chief justice at Apia.
The imperial ambassador at London has been instructed to make a similar communication to the British Government.
I avail, etc.,