- “American party,” representatives of the, in the Korean cabinet 84
- Americans, protection to 23
- Appropriations for prosecution of the war by Japan 99
- Asan, battle at 45
- Asylum for royal family of Korea; United States minister consents to grant, if necessary 25, 31
- Barbarities of Chinese 87, 89
- Battle at Asan 45
- British representative, forcible interference with a 32
- Chang in Hoon, Chinese peace plenipotentiary 100
- Ch’e Cheng-woo, founder of new religious sect, death of 5, 6
- Chemulpo, neutrality of, necessity for an American ship at 19, 33
- Chin-lien Ch’eng, Chinese forces defeated at 73
- “Chinese party,” representatives of the, in the Korean cabinet 84
- Chronological statement in re the war in Korea (1894) 72, 73
- Cholla Do, disturbed condition of 17, 48
- Chuan-lo, insurrection in district of 48
- Chun Chu:
- Coinage:
- Conflict between China and Japan imminent 25,
26, 37
- Efforts to avert 30
- Confucius, followers of, memorial of 9, 12
- Court dress 97
- Crime, no punishment for, to be inflicted upon family of one who commits 63
- Declaration of war by China 54
- Japan 49, 50
- Decorations and honors, explanation of Chinese 61
- Decree of Chinese Emperor explaining causes of war 52, 53, 54
- Detring, ——:
- Empress of China:
- English flag, firing upon the 42
- False accusations, punishments for 97
- Foochow:
- Foreign representatives:
- Foreigners:
- Formosa proclamation of governor of 57, 58
- Gardner, C. T., forcible interference with 32, 33, 34, 35
- Great Britain, mediation of, for termination of the war 79
- Guard for United States Legation in Korea 26, 41
- Hanneken, Constantin von, statement of, concerning the Kowshing 46, 47
- Hasty action of Japan criticised in China 25
- Heads of Japanese, prizes offered for 57
- Hong Chong-oo:
- Hostilities commenced by Japan 42, 49
- cessation of, proposed by the Emperor of China 75
- Huang-pu River, closing of the 54
- Illegitimacy 63
- Indemnity; President would not decline to act with other powers in determining amount of 77
- Instruments of torture, description of 97
- Intervention between China and Japan:
- Ishikawa Goichi, execution of, as a spy 62
- Ito Hirobumi, Japanese peace plenipotentiary 100
- Speech of 102
- Japanese and Chinese troops, simultaneous withdrawal of, requested and refused 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 38
- Japanese consul:
- Japanese, courtesy of, to Americans 40
- cruelties and excuses for the 87
- hostility to the 15
- losses of, in battle 45, 60
- merchant vessels as transports 32
- residents in China, protection of 43, 50
- steam vessels, destruction of, ordered by the Emperor of China 53
- superiority of, in evolution, tactics, and discipline 60
- troops, occupation of strategic points by 25
- conduct of 32
- Joint intervention, the President declines 76
- Justification of China 48, 49
- Kim Ok-kiun:
- King of Korea:
- Korea:
- Abrogation by, of treaty with China 55, 56
- An independent state 29, 38
- Asks aid of China 20
- A tributary kingdom of China 28, 51, 53
- Changes of government in, demanded by the Japanese 26
- Chinese subjects in, restrictions to 87, 88
- Chinese troops sent to 20, 21
- Council to consider reforms in 32
- Friendly interest in, by the United States 22
- Independence of, menaced 37
- Infliction of an unjust war in 37
- Intimidation of, by Japan 51
- Japanese troops sent to 20, 21, 48
- Kindly disposition of Japanese toward 26
- Loan by Japan to 102
- Memorial of Japan to King of 28
- Nonintervention by the United States 31
- New organization of Government of 64
- Occupation of, by Chinese and Japanese 22
- Overthrow of Chinese influence in 56
- Proposals for reforms in 32, 35, 38, 53, 63
- Rebellion in 20, 24, 53
- Supremacy of Japanese influence in 56
- Korean cabinet:
- Kowshing, steamship:
- Land, wrongful appropriation of 67
- Laws for administration of justice 65
- Li Hung-chang:
- Attempted assassination of 106
- Commissioners appointed to investigate conduct of 41
- Deprivation of honors from 60, 62
- Dissatisfaction of the Emperor against 60
- Hesitation of, in sending troops to Korea 20
- Indignities and attacks on 61, 62
- Misconduct of the war charged against 61, 62
- Named peace plenipotentiary 103
- Stringent orders of 54
- Lin, beheading of 62
- Loan to be raised by China 30
- Looting of houses by Japanese 41
- Losses of Chinese in battle 45, 60
- Marriages, law relating to 63
- Merchants, Chinese, leave Seoul 40
- Moukden, campaign against 83
- Mutsu Munemitsu, Japanese peace plenipotentiary 100
- Naval battle, the Yaloo, detailed report of the 90
- Neutral powers, conference of, to adjust difficulties 37
- Ningpo, closing of port of 55
- Oath of the King of Korea 94, 95
- Officers:
- Official and privileged classes. 63
- seals, adoption of 64
- Orders in council, the King of Korea’s 97
- Overtures for peace by China to Japan through the American minister 80, 81, 82
- Pak Siung-ho, leader of the Tong Hâk 6
- Palace, royal, Japanese forces break into the 40, 41
- Pathan, British ship, seizure of the 69
- Peace conference at Hiroshima 99, 100, 101
- Peacock feather, three-eyed, Li Hung-chang’s deprivation of the 60, 62
- Ping-yang:
- Police force in Seoul, establishment of a 68
- Port Arthur:
- Proclamation by the Japanese general 95
- Reforms in Korea, equivocal attitude of China in preventing 38
- Reforms recommended by Korean council 38, 63–68
- Religious sect founded by Ch’e Cheng-woo, called the Tong Hâk 5
- Residents in Japan, Chinese, protection for 43
- Restrictions to Chinese subjects in Korea 87, 88
- Retreating, punishment for 54
- Ride through the gates:
- Roman Catholics, hostility to 6, 7
- Seoul, great turmoil in 40
- Shanghai:
- Shao yu Lien, Chinese peace plenipotentiary 100
- Slaughter, indiscriminate, of Japanese, rewards for 57, 58
- Slavery, abolition of, in Korea 63
- Spy, execution of a, named Ishikawa Goichi 62
- Surrender of Chinese at Wei-hai Wei 103
- Taxes, collection of 65, 68
- Tong Hâk:
- Treaty relations between Japan and Korea 53,
- stipulations, violations of, by Japan 53
- United States:
- War between China and Japan inevitable 39
- Wei-hai Wei, surrender of Chinese naval and military forces at 103
- Wei Ju-Kuei (General) execution of 96
- Weights and measures, uniform system of 65
- Yaloo naval battle, detailed report of the 90
- Ye Cha-yun, appointment of 33
- Yellow riding jacket, Li Hung-chang’s deprivation of the 60, 62
- Act of Congress to give effect to Award of Paris Tribunal 168
- Ada, claim for the 205, 208, 211, 233
- Alfred Adams, claim for the 208, 211, 233
- Anna Beck, claim for the 208, 210, 211, 233
- Arbitrators, majority of, to decide questions 110
- Ariel, claim for the 209, 211
- Arrest and detention of offenders 169
- Article VI, Bering Sea treaty 110
- Article VIII, Bering Sea treaty 110
- Award on the Bering Sea question 107, 109–117, 118
- Bear, United States Revenue steamer, instructions to commander of 114, 115
- Black Diamond, claim for the 206, 211, 233
- Boscowitz, evidence of 231
- Boundaries of and jurisdiction in the Bering Sea 111
- British claims for compensation 204–211, 229, 230, 231
- British Columbia sealing catch 130
- British cruisers, instructions to 186
- British Government, propositions of the 162
- British sealing vessels, seizures of 179, 185, 186
- Canadians, capture of fur seals by 119
- Captured seals, numbers entered daily of 113, 168
- Carolena, claim for the 206, 210, 211, 232
- Clark, C. E. (Commander), order to 182, 193
- Claims for seizure of British sealing vessels 204–211
- settlement of, proposed, by a lump sum 225
- Clearances of vessels for sealing grounds 191
- Close season 172, 173, 180, 182, 197
- Commission proposed to visit sealing grounds and report 229
- Consular officers, authority of 196
- Contract with the North American Commercial Company 122, 123, 124
- Convention to give effect to regulations 142–146
- Courcel, Baron de, administrator 110
- Delay in negotiations 147, 148, 151, 162
- notifying sealers 176
- Dolphin, claim for the 208, 210, 211, 233
- Driving of seals 126
- Evasions of regulations respecting fur seals 137, 138
- Explosives, prohibition of 187, 195
- Favourite, claim for the 207, 211
- Findings of fact 114
- Firearms, use of 187, 194, 195
- Flag, distinguishing 184, 188, 196, 197, 215
- Foreign agents, regulations for 125
- Forfeitures for violation of award 170
- Fur-seal catch of 1894 226, 227, 228, 229
- Fur seals:
- Grace, claim for the 207, 211, 233
- Gram, Gregers, arbitrator 111
- Great Britain and Russia, treaty between 110
- Hannen (Lord), arbitrator 110
- Harlan, John M., arbitrator 110
- Henrietta, claim for the 205
- Hunters, employment of competent 187
- Identic note to maritime powers 213, 218
- Indians:
- Japan, interest of, in fur sealing 121, 127, 129, 132, 135, 140
- Japanese consuls, caution to 137
- Japanese flag:
- Juanita, claim for the 206, 208, 211
- Kate, claim for the 209, 211
- Killing of pups (seals) 126
- season (fur seals) 125
- Licenses for fur-sealing vessels 113, 183, 188, 196, 197, 215, 216
- Lily, claim for the 209, 211, 233
- List of powers invited to adhesion to the Bering Sea regulations 213
- Makah Indians, request of the 212, 214
- Maps, explanatory, distribution of 192
- of the award area 202
- Maritime powers, identic notes sent to 213, 217, 218
- Minnie, claim for the 210, 211
- Modus vivendi:
- Morgan, John T., arbitrator 110
- Naval force to enforce provisions of the act 169
- Nets, use of 187, 195
- North American Commercial Company:
- Onward, claim for the 207, 210, 211, 232
- Order in council (British) to carry into effect Award of Paris Tribunal 215
- Orders in council, limited powers of 152
- Outfit, sealing 196
- Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea included in the 111
- Paris Tribunal of Arbitration, award of 108
- Pathfinder, claim for the 209, 210, 211, 233
- Pauncefote, Julian (Sir), employment of 118, 120, 136, 139, 140
- Pelagic sealing 128, 201, 202
- Penalties for trespassers 170, 173, 184
- Policing of the award area 201
- Pribilof Islands, catch of fur seals on the 121, 134
- Regulations:
- Regulations respecting fur seals 107, 178
- Russia:
- Russia and Great Britain, treaty between 110
- Russia and Japan, suggesting adhesion of, to award of the Paris Tribunal 191
- Safe conduct to sealers 187, 188, 195
- Sailing vessels alone permitted to catch seals 112, 168
- St. Paul and St. George, islands of, number of seals killed on 134
- Sandwich Islands, interests of, in fur sealing 129
- Seal quota 125
- Searches and seizures 114, 184
- Shotguns permitted in certain cases 113, 144, 168
- Skins, fur seal, dressing of, a London industry 119
- Supplementary act 212
- Thompson, John (Sir), arbitrator 110
- Thornton:
- Three-mile limit 112
- Treasury instructions respecting fur seal 124, 125
- Treaty with Russia, England, and Japan, proposed negotiations for 190
- Tribunal of Arbitration (Bering Sea):
- Triumph, claim for the 208, 209, 211
- Tupper, Charles (Sir), commissioner 108
- United States:
- Venosta Emilio Visconti (Marquis), arbitrator 111
- Vessels:
- Warnings to vessels 183, 192, 193
- Williams, W. H., United States Treasury agent, instructions to 125, 126
- W. P. Sayward, claim for the 207, 210, 211, 233
- Baker, L., minister to Nicaragua, has always affirmed Nicaraguan right to sovereignty over Mosquito Reserve 294
- Bingham, British consul, withdrawal of exequatur 298
- Bluefields:
- Argüello still at liberty 294
- Arrest of Messrs. Lamp ton and Wiltbank 329
- Arrival of United States minister at 273
- Attack by mob on new government buildings 303
- Breach of faith on the part of Commissioner Lacayo in the return of troops to 295
- British gunboat Mohawk ordered to 310
- British man-of-war ordered to 354
- British minister for foreign affairs denies that man-of-war had been ordered to 356
- Chief Clarence restored; Government organized 312
- History of recent events, by Judge J. O. Thomas 276
- Insurrection of the populace 305
- Lacayo still in power; Torres removed 294
- Landing of British marines at 260
- Landing of marines from U. S. S. Marblehead 304
- Local authorities organizing troops; foreign subjects compelled to serve 311
- Martial law raised 264
- Meeting of investigation by Captain Howe, R. N., the British consul, and General Lacayo 264
- Mosquito flag lowered 264
- Murder of William Wilson 288
- Naval force increased at 320
- Nicaraguan Government requests presence of American cruiser at 354
- Nicaraguan soldiers retire to Rama 304
- Nicaraguan soldiers stationed at 270
- Police duty at 270
- Provisional Government, resignation of members of 303
- Removal of Nicaraguan troops from 288
- Return of Nicaraguan troops 293
- United States officials not authorized to participate in organizing provisional government 271
- Views of Moravian missionaries 286
- Bluff Improvement Land Company protest against appropriation of its property by Nicaraguan authorities 347
- Braida, United States consul, withdrawal of exequatur 298
- British marines, landing of, at Bluefields 260
- Clarence, Chief, sensational reports as to reinstatement of, by Great Britain, denied 360
- Clayton-Bulwer treaty 291
- Decree of Nicaraguan commissioner to Mosquito Territory; promulgation of laws for government of 265
- Diplomatic functions of consular officers 268
- Lacayo, Gen. C. A.:
- Lampton, J. S., and Wiltbank, G. B.:
- Arrest of, at Bluefields 322, 329
- Arrest and banishment of 338
- Allowed to return to Bluefields to wind up business 343
- Case of 348
- Demand by United States minister for open trial 333
- Expelled from Nicaragua without charges or trial 336
- Expulsion of 343
- Nicaraguan Government refuses to grant trial 337
- Permission to return to Nicaraguan territory 349
- Protest of United States minister against their arrest and banishment 339
- Reported decree of exile against 332
- Return to Bluefields 352
- Trial of 346
- Lands, public, right of Mosquito to dispose of, by lease 284
- Martial law in the Mosquito Reserve 288
- Martial law raised in Bluefields 264
- Missionaries, Moravian, Bluefields, views of 286
- Mosquito convention, decree of, agreeing to incorporation with Nicaragua, and promulgation of laws 361
- Mosquito flag hoisted at Bluefields 204
- Mosquito Reservation:
- Argüello case 297
- Americans in 274
- American citizens, statement of committee 266
- Arrangements for restoring peace; recognition of Nicaraguan sovereignty 287
- Attempt of General Lacayo to assert Nicaraguan sovereignty over 287
- Civil authority of 304
- Clayton-Bulwer treaty 291
- Consul Bingham, withdrawal of exequatur 297
- Consul Braida, withdrawal of exequatur 298
- Consuls, no diplomatic functions 268
- Convention, decree of, agreeing to incorporation with Nicaragua 361
- Declared in a state of siege and Chief Clarence and his supporters rebels, by Nicaraguan authorities 313
- Decree of Nicaraguan commissioner; Jose Madriz; promulgation of laws for government of 265
- Expulsion of British proconsul 356
- Great Britain’s position in regard to 355, 357, 358
- Incorporation with Nicaragua 359, 360
- Martial law in 288
- Nicaraguan invasion of 261
- Nicaraguan rule in, Great Britain refuses to accept 354
- Protectorate over, by Great Britain 290
- Provisional council 268
- Provisional Government 267
- Reported hoisting of the British flag at Corn Island 310
- Right to dispose of her public lands by lease 284
- Rights of American citizens 352, 353
- Seizure by Nicaraguan authorities of the “bluffs,” partly owned by American citizens 353
- Sensational reports as to reinstatement of Chief Clarence by Great Britain denied 360
- Sovereignty of Nicaragua over 290, 322
- Surrender of the rights of the Mosquito Indians and incorporation with Nicaragua 358
- Temporary government of 269
- Nicaraguan invasion of the Mosquito Territory 261
- sovereignty, implied recognition of, over Mosquito 259
- Nicaragua, treaty rights of 259
- Police duty at Bluefields 343
- Protectorate over Mosquito Reserve by Great Britain 290
- Provisional council, Mosquito Reserve 268
- Provisional Government, Mosquito Reserve 267
- Siguia, district of, declared in a state of siege (Mosquito included) by Nicaraguan authorities 313, 316
- Soldiers, Nicaraguan, stationed at Bluefields 271
- Sovereignty of Nicaragua over Mosquito Reserve 290
- Temporary Government pf Mosquito Reserve 269
- Thomas, Judge J. O., history of recent events at Bluefields 276
- Treaty rights of Nicaragua 259
- Wilson, William, murder of, Bluefields 288
- Yulu, American steamboat:
- Arbitration convention (not including Mora claim) proposed by Mr. Curry rejected by Spain 421
- Claim of Maza and Larrache v. United States 379, 400, 422, 441
- Conference between Mr. Curry and two subsecretaries of state, July 5, 1886 364, 365
- Convention for settlement of all claims pending between Spain and the United States (not including the Mora claim) proposed 415, 416, 418, 422, 431–435, 448
- History of the Mora claim 379–393, 419–423
- Indemnity equal to the value of the Mora estates offered by Señor Moret
364, 365
- of $1,800,000 proposed by Mr. Curry 365
- $1,500,000, in full settlement of the Mora claim, offered by
Spain, to be charged on the Cuban budget for 1887 367, 368
- United States accepts the offer of 367, 368, 369, 390
- no provision in the Cuban budget for the payment of the 370
- reasons of Spanish Government for not inserting in Cuban budget. 371, 372, 373, 374
- a debt due by Spain, by international compact, independent of any other claims 374, 376, 378, 386, 391, 392, 393, 410, 417, 418, 420, 430, 435
- payment of, demanded 423, 428
- resolution passed by Spanish council of ministers to pay 368, 375, 406, 407, 410
- Interview between Mr. Curry and Señor Moret, April 24, 1888 371
- Memorandum of the origin and vicissitudes of the Mora claim 379–388
- Note of Mr. Gresham to Spanish Government, July 14, 1893 419–423
- Penalty imposed upon Mora by council of war in Cuba, in 1870, remitted by Spanish Government in 1876 389
- Receipts of Spanish Government from Mora’s estates not less than $2,000,000 389, 390, 391, 399, 403, 419
- Resolution introduced into the Cortes by Señor Lastres to repudiate the Mora claim. 384, 392, 395, 397, 398, 404
- Senate Resolution 92, presented to the United States Senate July 1, 1892 412, 423
- Restitution of Mora’s property, ordered by Spanish Government In 1873, not made 389, 390, 391, 410
- Settlement of all claims between Spain and the United States necessary to facilitate the execution of the agreement in the Mora case 376, 377, 378, 393, 395, 398, 400, 414, 420, 421, 422, 429
- Statements of Mr. Mora’s counsel 401–412
- Strobel-Figuera agreement 408, 420, 421, 422, 434, 435, 441
- Summary of Mr. Curry’s negotiations with Señor Moret 375, 376
- Agricultural and other products of the United States, duties imposed on in—
- Coffee and hides, exemption from duty in United States 466, 472, 474, 477, 490, 494
- Coffee:
- Colombia and United States:
- Colombia:
- Discriminating duty imposed on products from, in the United States 465, 489, 492
- Duties imposed on agricultural and other products of United States in 451, 456
- Free list of 460
- tariff list, extension of 453
- Import duties in United States on sugar from 451
- Import duties imposed on sugars, molasses, coffee, tea, and hides from, in United States 464, 465
- Import duty in United States on coffee from 461
- Reciprocal trade with United States 451, 456
- Tariff of 460
- Discriminating duty imposed on Colombian products in United States 465, 489, 492
- Duties imposed on agricultural and other products of United States in—
- Duties, import, imposed on sugars, molasses, coffee, tea, and hides in United States from—
- Duties, import, in United States on sugars from Colombia 451
- Duty:
- Exemption from duty in United States of hides and coffee 466, 472, 474, 477, 490, 494
- Free introduction of sugar, molasses, coffee, tea, and hides into United States from—
- Free list of Colombia 460
- tariff list, extension of, by Colombia 453
- Haiti:
- Hides and coffee, exemption from duty in United States 466, 472, 474, 477, 490, 494
- Hides, free introduction into United States from—
- Import duties:
- Imports into Isthmus of Panama from United States, 1892 469
- Molasses, free introduction into United States from—
- Reciprocal trade between Colombia and United States 483, 488
- Sugars, free introduction into United States from—
- Venezuela 499
- Suspension of free entry into United States of sugars, molasses, coffee, tea, and hides from—
- Tariff law of United States 451
- Tea, free introduction of, into United States from—
- Venezuela:
- Arms and ammunition and intoxicating liquors:
- Aana insurgents make peace 730
- submission of, to Malietoa 730
- Advisers of the Samoan Government 693
- Atua tribe, submission of the 718
- Audit of Government accounts 563, 565, 573, 576, 579, 580
- Battles of the natives 710, 711, 712
- Berlin treaty, prosed alterations in the 530, 585, 693
- Bickford, Capt. A. K., report of 605–609
- Brandis, adviser of the King 508
- Bonded stores, private 552
- Bonded warehouse 550
- British gold coinage, value of 518
- Cedercrantz, C.:
- Chambers, William Lea, land commissioner 602, 613, 620, 690, 701, 714
- Chief justice:
- Collection of customs dues 553, 533, 663
- Conference between Secretary of State and German and British ministers 508
- Consular board and municipal council, differences between the 650, 653
- jurisdiction of Samoa 627
- Correspondence between Department of State and the—
- Currency question, the 517–526, 542, 571, 631, 632, 634, 640, 645, 708, 713
- Cusack-Smith, T. B., report of, concerning the rebellion 621
- Customs ordinance:
- Customs revenues, apportionment of 641, 642, 643, 644, 669, 672, 674
- Disarmament of natives 608, 666, 685
- Eggert, Carl, member of land commission 626, 627
- Entangling alliances 513
- Export duties 536, 543, 544, 545, 663
- Financial difficulties, proposed measure to remove 638, 669, 723
- statement 726
- Fiscal system, the 512
- German interests in Samoa 507
- gold coinage, value of 518
- Government funds, disbursement of 715
- Great Britain and Samoa, treaty between 507
- Greiner, ——, provisional member of the land commission 641
- Gurr. E. W., claim of 726
- Hazzard, Bayett Michael, land commissioner 740
- Hennings, William:
- History (early) of Samoa 504
- Hostilities at Samoa, outbreak of 619
- Ide, Henry C., as chief justice 512
- Import duties 535, 543, 544, 545, 548, 663, 721
- Independence and neutrality in Samoa 530
- Intestine disorders in Samoa 506
- King, advisers of the 510, 705
- Land commission 510, 515, 603, 604, 617, 624, 626, 633, 637, 704, 714, 727
- Land Commissioner:
- Land question, decision of a 635, 636, 637
- Maben, Thomas, secretary of state 542, 543
- Malietoa:
- Malietoa Laupepa, proposed recognition of, as King 530
- Mamea:
- Map of Navigators Islands not be taken by commission 528
- Mataafa:
- Adherents of defy and obstruct the supreme court 527
- Chosen as King 508
- Cost of maintaining, as prisoner 604, 617, 618, 692, 700, 754
- Custody of 604, 700
- Deportation of, and chiefs 512, 604, 605, 607, 610, 611, 612, 614, 681, 685, 707, 709
- Disposition to be made of 680
- Duration of exile of 702, 703, 739
- Expense of deportation of wife of, and of chiefs 706
- Movement in favor of, losing strength 665
- to be stamped out 666
- Opposition of, to the Government 665
- Prisoners in charge of German Government 598
- Rebellious symptoms of 511
- Refusal of United States to maintain wives of 739
- Surrender of 596, 597, 680
- Uprising of, suppression of 687
- Wives of, and his followers 697, 705, 727, 738, 739
- Municipal council:
- Municipal district of Apia 534
- Navigators Islands, steps taken to the restoration of peace in the 621, 622
- Officers, returning, salary of 684
- Officials in Samoa:
- Ormsbee, E. J., resignation of 690
- Pago Pago:
- Pound sterling, value of 542, 563
- Prisoners, Samoan, life, conduct, and accommodations of 728
- Protection to Samoa 505, 507, 666
- Protocol on the Samoan conference 625
- Real-property ordinance:
- Rebels, negotiations with 746
- Report of the Secretary of State on the condition of affairs in Samoa 504
- Revenue of customs, management of the 545–563, 589
- system of 511
- Revenues, custodian of the 563
- for support of the Samoan Government 512
- Robberies of white residents 718
- Salary of chief justice 513, 514, 600, 670, 677
- Savaü and Aana, difficulties between 710, 711, 712
- Schmidt, E.:
- Secretary of state of Samoa:
- Proposed removal from office of the 694
- Sedition toward the Government of Samoa 740, 741, 742
- Self-government, inability of Samoans for 711
- Shipment of stores 557
- Silver, value of 518
- Smuggling 557
- Squadron, destruction of, at Samoa 509
- Steinberger, A. B., special agent 504
- Government set up by 505
- Stevenson, Robert Louis, on sedition in Samoa 740, 741, 742
- Supreme court, authority of the, defied 526, 527
- Supreme court justice:
- Survey and register fees 584
- Tamasese:
- Taxation and revenue 535
- Taxes:
- Trade with Samoa 509, 719–721
- Treasurer, the president’s power as 575
- Treaty with Samoa 506
- Tripartite government, arrangement of the 511
- Tui, wife of Tagatoa (Tagaloa?) 729
- Twenty-mark piece of Germany, admittance of, and value 528, 542, 563, 634
- Unsatisfactory relations with Samoa 509
- Uprising in Samoa 718
- Vessels:
- Von Pilsach, Senfft, President of Municipal Council:
- War:
- War vessels for protection of life and property and suppression of rebellion 527, 529, 539, 540, 541, 576, 578, 581, 584, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 615, 633, 639, 640,.641, 651, 654, 655, 657, 664, 665, 675, 676, 685, 699, 719, 725, 751, 752
- Warnings to armed parties 622
- Warrants of arrest resistance to 657, 658, 659