Sir Julian Pauncefote to Mr. Blaine.

Sir: With reference to your note of the 20th of February last, I have the honor, in accordance with instructions which I have received from the Marquis of Salisbury, to inform you that Her Majesty’s Government have give given their best consideration to the proposals of the United States and German governments, respecting the enforcement of the authority of the Samoan supreme court in the execution of its warrants by the aid of the vessels of war of the three treaty powers.

Her Majesty’s Government are now prepared to instruct the commanders of British ships of war in Samoan waters to afford all practicable assistance for the purpose in question upon the understanding that action shall be taken only in cases of real emergency and after an agreement has been arrived at amongst the consuls of the three powers; and, further, that a ship of war of the nationality of the offender (if an European subject) is to be employed should one be present.

It must be remembered that as the coast of Samoa is indifferently surveyed, any man-of-war which may embark the chief justice or his officers should touch only at such places in the island as in the judgment of the commanding officer he may consider safe.

Subject to these reservations, Her Majesty’s Government will take the necessary steps for giving effect to the arrangement as soon as they shall be in receipt of the draft identical instructions for the three consuls which are to be concerted between the cabinets of Berlin and Washington.

I have, etc.,

Julian Pauncefote.