Mr. Blaine to Sir Julian Pauncefote.
Washington, April 6, 1892.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 23d ultimo, in which you inform me that the land commissioners at Apia had unanimously declined to act upon a suggestion of the Chief justice that an accurate map of the whole of the Navigators Islands should be taken at the expense of the commission, and that Her Majesty’s Government concurs in the view taken by the commissioners.
In reply I have to state that this particular point does not appear to have been reported to this Government by the American land commissioner at Apia. This Government, however is disposed to concur with Her Majesty’s Government in regarding the question of preparing the suggested map as one for the decision of the land commissioners, and in regarding their decision as amply justified. The American land commissioner will, therefore, be so instructed.
I have, etc.,