Mr. Blaine to Sir Julian Pauncefote.
Washington, June 17, 1890.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 13th instant, in which you refer to the questions concerning the Salary and allowances of the chief justice of Samoa, which arise, among others, in giving effect to the final act of the conference of Berlin on the affairs of Samoa.
It gives me pleasure to assent forthwith to the suggestion of the Marquis of Salisbury that the rule of the foreign office be adopted in the present instance, so that the salary of the chief justice shall commence ten days before the departure for his post of the person appointed.
As regards an allowance for outfit and passage to post of duty, I notice what you say respecting the British rule, which is to allow the officer, on his first appointment, a sum amounting to one-third of his salary by way of outfit, and the cost of passage of himself and one servant to his post. A similar rule formerly obtained in the diplomatic and consular service of the United States, but it has been abandoned for many years, and appointed officers are now allowed in lieu thereof salary during one month while receiving instructions before departure, and salary thereafter during the time of transit to their posts within a fixed maximum of time according to a proclaimed schedule.
In view, however, of the circumstances of the present case, the length and expense of the journey to Samoa, and the exceptional character of residence there for which due preparation should be made, I am quite in favor of adopting the English rule and to allow the appointed chief justice his outfit and passage as suggested, if the proposal be acteptable to the government of Germany.
Copy of this correspondence will be sent to the U. S. minister at Berlin for his information and such formal action there as may be necessary.
I have the honor, etc.,