Messrs. Shipman, Barlow, Larocque and Choate to Mr. Bayard.

Sir: Our client, Mr. Mora, is very much alarmed by the remarks of Señor Moret, in the Spanish Cortes, in which he seems to assume that this case is still open and subject to the action of the Cortes, and further that no money will be required for this claim, as it may be offset in some form against similar claims of Spanish subjects against the United States. This view is so contrary to the facts as we understand them that we take the liberty of asking if you have any information from. Mr. Curry that warrants the explanation given by Sehor Moret to tixa Cortes.

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We understand that the Mora case is not only settled, but that there is a distinct promise to pay the compromise sum, which, according to Señor Moret’s explanation to the Cortes was for much less than was really due to Mr. Mora, and we do not understand that any agreement to be made with Spain, touching other mutual claims would, or could, alter the status of the Mora case or postpone the time for its payment.

We shall be very glad to learn from you that Mr. Mora’s anxieties are without foundation, as to remit this case in any form to the contingencies of another commission and then probably to an appropriation by our Congress, would be, in so far as he is personally concerned, a practical denial of justice; and were are, sir, etc.

Shipman, Barlow, Larocque and Choate,
Counsel for A. M. Mora.