Mr. Baker to Mr. Gresham.

Sir: In a talk, yesterday, with the President of Nicaragua, he informed me that this Government proposed sending to Bluefields a body of 100 soldiers, to be stationed at that place for the performance of police duty. His contention is that Nicaragua is charged with the duty of preserving the peace; and that this Government is responsible if life or property should be destroyed. This duty carries with it the right to take the necessary steps for the protection of life and property.

In the same conversation he requested me to inform the United States consul at San Juan del Norte and also the consular agent at Bluefields of his purpose.

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I did not discuss with-the President the soundness of his position in view of the various treaties, or the unusual political relations which this Government occupies toward that territory. But I concluded to send the letters requested, a copy of which is herein inclosed.

I have the honor, etc.,

Lewis Baker.

Mr. Baker to Dr. de Soto.

Sir: At the request of His Excellency President Zelaya I write to inform you that this Government has determined it best, in the interest of peace and good order, to station a company of 100 soldiers at Blue-fields. They will accordingly leave for that place to-day.

I do not see that you are called upon to take any action in the premises, and I send you this notice only for your information.

I am, etc.,

Lewis Baker.

Identical note sent to B. B. Seat, esq., United States consular agent, Bluefields, Nicaragua.