Mr. Baker to Mr. Gresham.

Sir: Herewith I hand you a copy of the agreement entered into at Bluefields on the 19th of March for the temporary government and the preservation of the peace of that place. The Spanish copy of this agreement was furnished me by the foreign office of Nicaragua, and I accompany it with an English translation.

I have, etc.,

Lewis Baker.

Mr. Rivas to Mr. Baker.

Mr. Minister: With the present communication I have the honor to remit to your excellency an authorized copy of the telegram directed to His Excellency the President by the commissioner of the Mosquito Reserve, enunciating the basis stipulated with the English consul for the provisional administration of the said reserve.

I am, etc.,

R. Mayorga Rivas.
[Page 270]

Basis for the provisional administration of the reserve.


Deposited at San Juan del Norte at 6 p.m. of the 23d of April, 1894. Received at the palace at 8.25 of the 30th.

Bluefields, March 22, 1894.

Mr. President: The 19th instant another arrangement was concluded with the English consul by which all differences will be repaired for the better organization of the provisional government of this municipality.

Basis for the provisional administration of the Mosquito Reserve until the high contracting powers resolve the diplomatic question that has been raised.

  • First. There will be a civic municipality, composed of seven members, of which two will be appointed by the commissioner, two by the American consul, and one by the English consul, and another by the Indians, and another by the Creoles. The commissioner will be the president of the council, and in case that those who shall be appointed by the said members of the council do not proceed forthwith to the appointment, the commissioner is at liberty to select those that he may deem proper.
  • Second. All the citizens of Bluefields, registered, of more than 21 years of age, will be jury liable for duty in criminal cases; and of these same citizens a list of fifty members will be drawn with the object of forming a jury of appeal for civil cases. These fifty members must be persons of property who know how to read and write, and with residence of more than three years in the place. There will be a justice of the peace to prepare the civil cases and bring them to the knowledge of the jury.
  • Third. Four of the seven members of the provisional council will form a quorum.
  • Fourth. The custom-house officer, the secretary of the provisional council, and all the rest of the employees of the reserve will be appointed by the commissioner.
  • Fifth. The tariff and duties will be levied on the same footing as the old tariff of the civic municipality. The product, or what may be the same, the money collected, will be delivered to the treasurer, who will pay the disbursement only on the order of the commissioner; but the net product of the rents can only be used in the proper expenses of the reserve or in the improving of the public works, such as ways of communications, etc.
  • Sixth. In the villages, and in behalf of the Indians, there will be a judge elected by the same Indians and he will be their representative before the provisional council and before the commissioner.
  • Seventh. The police force will be appointed by the provisional council. The chief of the police will be appointed by the same council, subject to the approbation of the commissioner.
  • Eighth. The council will meet directly, and the police will be organized within the twenty-four hours after the installation of the provisional council.
  • Ninth. When the commissioner does not deem it convenient to preside, the council will appoint the person that shall replace him.

C. A. Lacayo.

It is confirmed. Managua, April 2, 1894. Seal of the foreign office. Attested.

Mayorga Rivas.