Mr. Uhl to Mavroyeni Bey.
Washington, November 28, 1893.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 22d instant, in which you present certain considerations touching the treatment of persons of Armenian origin who may return to Turkey after having been naturalized in the United States.
The cited articles 5 and 6 of the Ottoman law of January 19, 1869 (6 Cheval, 1285), and the announced policy of the Turkish Government in the application thereof, have had my careful attention.
In proceeding under the sixth article, whereby declaration by the [Page 716] Imperial Government of loss of Ottoman nationality is claimed to be followed by the right of exclusion or expulsion of the returning Armenians, the Turkish Government removes all question as to the citizenship of the person, and rests its action on the very generally conceded claim of the right to exclude or expel aliens whose coming within Ottoman jurisdiction may be deemed objectionable.
I am gratified to learn that, as was confidently to be expected, this treatment of the returning naturalized Armenian as an undesirable alien involves, in case he be found within Turkish territory, no other arrest or detention than such as may be necessary to accomplish the deportation of the individual, thus excluding the punitive phase, which might be open to serious contention.
Your statements quite agree with the reports on the subject which I have received from the United States minister at Constantinople, and my recent instructions to him cover the case.
Accept, etc.,
Acting Secretary.