Mr. Thompson to Mr. Foster.

No. 27.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that I have received the following telegram from Jewett, U. S. consul at Sivas:

Sivas, February 6, noon.

American Minister, Constantinople:

German vice-consul at Amassia telegraphs it is necessary to come at once. I leave to-morrow morning.


In view of the fact that it will take Jewett several days to reach Marsovan I have not thought it advisable to dispense with the services of Carlman, German vice-consul at Amassia, at least until the arrival of Jewett at Marsovan.

There is no doubt but the aspect of affairs in that section is serious for the Christian population, and I have called the attention of the British and German ambassadors to it, each of whom has promised active cooperation for the Christian population.

I have, etc.,

David P. Thompson.