Mr. Snowden to Mr.
Legation of
the United States,
Madrid, January 30, 1893.
(Received February 13.)
No. 72.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose translated copy of
a communication from the Marquis of Vega de Armijo, minister of state,
making a formal tender to our Government of the caravel Santa Maria.
This reproduction of the vessel in which Columbus sailed in his voyage of
discovery to the New World is well constructed and cost the Spanish
Government over $30,000.
The friendly considerations that induce His Majesty’s Government to make this
generous offer and the flattering terms employed in communicating its
wishes, must awaken the liveliest sentiments of appreciation on the part of
our Government and people.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No.
The Marquis de Vega de
Armijo to Mr. Snowden.
Ministry of
January 24, 1893.
Excellency: The Government of His Majesty,
wishing to give an expression of its especial regard for the United
States, has agreed to offer for the acceptance of that Government the
caravel Santa Maria, a reproduction of the one
used by Columbus in his discovery of the New World.
No other than the great American nation can so worthily assume the duty
of preserving as an object of historic interest the above-mentioned
vessel. This, with the other two models of the Nina and Pinta, will remain as a
precious souvenir of that unparalleled and memorable expedition.
Whilst informing your excellency of the action of His Majesty’s
Government, it is very pleasant to me to reiterate the assurances of my
most distinguished consideration.
The Marquis de la Vega de