Mr. Boyd to Mr. Gresham.
Bangkok, August 5, 1893. (Received September 29.)
Sir: On the 4th instant I received from the admiral commanding the French fleet in the Gulf of Siam notification of the raising of the blockade of the Siamese ports on the 3d instant at 12 noon.
In an interview this morning with the general adviser to this Government I learned that after the diplomatic relations were broken off in Bangkok and the French minister, M. Pavie, had taken his departure, the Siamese Government opened negotiations direct with Paris, which have resulted in Siam agreeing to the French demands, a copy of which I had the honor to inclose in my dispatch. No. 68, with the further stipulation that the French were to occupy the port of Chantaboon, situated in latitude 12° 35ʹ N. on the east coast of the Gulf of Siam, to thus guarantee the good faith of Siam.
The French minister arrived in Bangkok to-day on board a French gunboat and diplomatic relations have been reestablished between France and Siam.
I have, etc.,