Mr. Webb to Mr. Gresham.

No. 129.]

Sir: Referring to dispatch No. 100 of this legation, I have the honor to inform you that a note bearing date June 29, from the imperial foreign office, informed this legation that Joseph Glowacki would be permitted to return to the Empire, but could not again inhabit the village of district Chenstockova from which he had been expelled. This concession was as much as could be asked for, it being hardly to be expected that the return in triumph of one of the proscribed class (Glowacki is a Hebrew) to the scene whence he had been summarily ejected would be permitted, in view of the bad effect it would have on the morale of the community.

A few days ago, however, I received a letter from Joseph Glowacki, [Page 545] dated from a point in Germany, near the frontier, in which he states that after five days of continual effort to enter Russia, during which time he was kept constantly moving from station to station along the frontier, his passport was taken from him, the permit thereon inscribed under orders from the minister of the interior blotted out, and he was once more ejected from the Empire. His letter stated, as before, that his mother, 78 years of age, of whom he was the sole support, was ill and in great want, and he only asked to be able to reach her in order to take her away from Russia once and for all.

I immediately addressed a note on the subject to the imperial foreign office and in a personal interview with Mr. Chichkine received assurance that instant attention would be paid to the note and permission for Glowacki to cross the frontier accorded unless new and unfavorable evidence in his case had come to light.

I shall inform the Department of further developments in the case.

I am, etc.,

G. Creighton Webb,
Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.