Mr. Foster to Mr. Durham.


Mr. Foster informs Mr. Durham that, while diplomatic settlement may be hoped for, the President does not wish to use naval force to enforce reparation. He instructs him to continue a firm course diplomatically and to suggest that negotiations should not be embarrassed by the question of amount, which if reasonable, would be acceptable.

[Inclosure in No. 158.—Translation.]

Mr. Lespinasse to Mr. Terres.

Mr. Vice-Consul-General:

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the dispatch of your legation of the date of the 23d instant, by which the minister resident of the United States asks me if my dispatch of the same day’s date should be interpreted as a refusal to indemnify Mr. Mevs.

On this point I can but refer you to my dispatch itself, of which the terms seem to me sufficiently explicit. You most have there read the following paragraph:

“In these conditions, Mr. Minister, I do not judge that Mr. Mevs has the right to any reparation.”

I have well taken note that during the absence of the minister resident I should address to you the communications that I have to make to your legation.

I had no need of the recommendation which accompanied that notification. The department of state for foreign relations can not in any circumstance fail in the courtesy which the consideration and good international relations demand for the representative of a power with which the Republic is in good relations.

Please accept, etc.,

Ed. Lespinasse.