Sir Julian Pauncefote to Mr. Gresham.

Sir: With reference to my note of the 31st ultimo on the subject of wrecking privileges in the Welland Canal, I have the honor to inclose herewith copy of an approved minute of the privy council of Canada, authorizing the issue of a proclamation for bringing into effect the act of the Parliament of Canada entitled “An act respecting aid by United States wreckers in Canadian waters,” on and after the 1st of June, 1893, which I have received from the Governor-General of Canada for communication to the U. S. Government. His excellency informs me that this proclamation was duly published in the Canadian Official Gazette of the 27th ultimo, of which I have the honor to inclose a copy.

I have, etc.,

Julian Pauncefote.

Certified copy of a report of a committee of the honorable the privy council, approved by his excellency the Governor-General in council on May 17, 1893.

The committee of the privy council have had under consideration the annexed memorandum from the acting minister of railways and canals, recommending that a proclamation do issue bringing the act of the Parliament of Canada, 55, 56 Vic, Ch. 4, entitled “An act respecting aid by United States wreckers in Canadian waters,” into force on and after the 1st day of June, 1893.

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The committee concur in the said recommendation and advise that a proclamation do issue bringing the said act into force on and after the 1st day of June, 1893.

The committee further advise that such proclamation when issued be communicated to the Government of the United States in order to reciprocal action. All which is respectfully submitted for your excellency’s approval.

John J. McGee,
Clerk of the Privy Council.

M. Bowell to the Governor-General in council.


The undersigned has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a number of references from the honorable the privy council, being copies of communications from the British minister at Washington, covering copies of notes addressed to him by the late and the present Secretary of State for the United States relative to the concession of wrecking and salvage privileges in the waters of Canada contiguous to the United States.

It appearing that the difficulty experienced by this Government in dealing with the question has now been removed by recent action of Congress in so amending the United States act of the 19th of June, 1878, as amended by the act of the 24th of May, 1890, as to omit the Welland Canal from the list of waters to be covered by the reciprocal arrangements proposed; the undersigned recommends that a proclamation be issued bringing into force the Canadian Act 55, 56 Vic, Ch. 4, entitled “An act respecting aid by United States wreckers in Canadian waters,” and further that such proclamation when issued be communicated to the Government of the United States in order to reciprocal action.

Respectfully submitted.

M. Bowell,
Acting Minister of Railways and Canals.


Victoria, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith, etc.

To all to whom these presents shall come, or whom the same may in anywise concern, greeting:

A Proclamation.

Whereas it is in and by a certain act of the Parliament of Canada, passed in the session thereof holden in the fifty-fifth and fifty-sixth years of our reign, chaptered four, and intituled “An act respecting aid by United States wreckers in Canadian waters,” amongst other things in effect enacted, that the said act shall come into force from and after a date to be named in a proclamation by the Governor-General, which proclamation may be issued when the Governor in council is advised that the privilege of salving any property wrecked and of aiding any vessels wrecked, disabled, or in distress in United States waters contiguous to Canada will be extended to Canadian vessels and wrecking appliances to the extent to which such privilege is granted by the said act to United States vessels and wrecking appliances;

And whereas our Governor in council is advised that the privilege thus referred to will now be extended to Canadian vessels and wrecking appliances to the extent defined in the said enactment,

Now know ye, that by and with the advice of our privy council for Canada, we have thought fit to proclaim and declare, and we do hereby proclaim and declare, that the said act hereinbefore in part recited, intituled “An act respecting aid by United States wreckers in Canadian waters,” shall come into and be in force on and after the first day of June in this present year of our Lord.

Of all which our loving subjects and all others whom these presents may concern are hereby required to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly.

In testimony whereof, we have caused these our letters to be made patent and the great seal of Canada to be hereunto affixed. Witness, our Right Trusty and Well-Beloved the Right Honorable Sir Frederick Arthur Stanley, Baron Stanley of Preston, [Page 344] in the county of Lancaster, in the peerage of the United Kingdom, Knight Grand Cross of Our Most Honorable Order of the Bath, and Earl of Derby, etc., Governor-General of Canada.

At our Government House, in our city of Ottawa, the seventeenth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three and in the fifty-sixth year of our reign.

By command,

John Costigan,
Secretary of State.