Mr. Foster to Mr. Lincoln.
Washington, January 11, 1893.
Sir: Referring to your dispatch, No. 515, of August 19, 1891, relative to the claim of William Webster against the Government of Great Britain on account of certain lands situated in New Zealand, I send you herewith a copy of a resolution of the Senate with respect to this claim adopted May 26, 1892; also three copies of Mis. Doc. 167, Fifty-second Congress, first session, containing a report by Senator Davis, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, dated April 14, 1892, and a reprint of the previous documents relating to the claim.
Availing yourself in such way as you may consider most useful of the excellent review of this claim contained in the foregoing report, you will again endeavor to secure a favorable consideration of the claim by Her Majesty’s Government. If, however, you are unable to harmonize the diverse views of the two governments, then, following the recommendation of the Senate, you may “propose to the Government of Great Britain that the entire contention be submitted to arbitration to the end that a final and conclusive settlement thereof and of all questions involved may be thereby attained.” Should it become necessary to make that proposal I trust that it may commend itself to Her Majesty’s Government, and I leave it to you to make it in such form and to support it by such considerations as may seem to yon best, reserving for future consideration the question of the details of such an arbitration.
I am, etc.,