Mr. Conger to Mr.
Legation of
the United States,
Petropolis, August 19, 1893.
(Received Sept. 19.)
No. 481.]
Sir: With reference to the claim of Messrs. Charles
Ahrenfeldt & Son of New York, for refund of transit tax wrongfully
levied on their rubber by the State of Amazonas, the subject-matter of
Department dispatches Nos. 235 and 278, I have the honor to report that on
March 27 last I called the attention of the minister of foreign affairs to
the matter, and he replied that he would at once telegraph to the governor
of Amazonas in regard to it. I also wrote our consular agent at Manaos
asking if any action had yet been taken by that State government. He replied
that no appropriation for the purpose had yet been made, but that the
legislature would meet in the middle of June, and he was informed by the
governor that it was expected the necessary appropriation would be made.
On receipt of your No. 278, I again addressed the minister of foreign affairs
on the subject in a note, copy of which I inclose, and have today received
his reply (copy and translation inclosed), in which he says he has received
no information from the government of Amazonas, although having telegraphed
thence three different times, but he would again call the attention of that
government to the question and ask for its speedy settlement.
I have, &c,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 481.]
Mr. Conger to
Senhor Pereira.
Legation of the United States,
Petropolis, August 12,
Sir: Pursuant to instructions this day received
from the Department of State, I have the honor to call your excellency’s
attention to the claim of Messrs. Charles Ahrenfeldt & Son for the
refund of a transit tax improperly levied and collected by the State of
Amazonas on rubber passing through that State during the year 1891,
which seems to be still unpaid.
On the 10th of April, last, I received a note from your excellency’s
predecessor saying that he had telegraphed the governor of Amazonas in
regard to it.
May I ask your excellency what, if any, reply has been received, in order
that I may make to my Government a correct report as to the prospect of
an early payment.
I again offer, etc., etc.,
[Page 43]
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Senhor Pereira to
Mr. Conger.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
de Janeiro, August 18,
I have received the note which Mr. E. H. Conger, envoy extraordinary and
minister plenipotentiary of the United States of America, addressed me
on the 12th instant, and in reply I communicate to him that as yet I
have received no information from the government of the State of
Amazonas in respect to the reclamation of Charles Ahrenfeldt & Son
relative to the illegal duties collected upon cargo of rubber in
I will call the attention of the aforesaid government to the telegrams
sent it on the 10th of April, 7th of June, and 10th of July of this
year, and request a speedy settlement of the question.
I have, etc.,