Mr. Baker to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Costa Rica, Nicaragua,
and Salvador,
Managua, July 27, 1893.
(Received September 5.)
No. 57.]
Sir: I have the honor of submitting to you the
inclosed brief correspondence between Hon. A. H. Rivas, who occupied the
position of minister of foreign relations under the Zavala
administration, and myself in reference to the removal of the American
legation to Granada for safety on a recent occasion.
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Señor Rivas to
Mr. Baker.
Managua, July 24, 1893.
Mr. Minister: In view of the criminal
attempt perpetrated this morning by the small fleet of the rebels,
who bombarded this city without the previous notice which the laws
of war require for the protection of the life and property of
noncombat-ants, an attempt of which your excellency has been a
witness, and might have been a victim, I am instructed by the
President of the Republic to urge you earnestly to take your
temporary residence in the city of Granada, where the legation will
be safe from damages like those to which it was exposed this
The Government, which regards the presence of the legation of the
United States amongst us as a high honor to the Republic, would feel
the deepest regret if, by the repetition of the outrageous action
which is not in its power to avert since at this moment we can only
meet the attack from the land, should suffer injury in the person or
property of any of its members.
If your excellency determines to accept this invitation you may
immediately avail yourself of a special train which will be placed
at your disposition.
And in complying with the instructions of the President, I have the
honor, etc.,
[Inclosure 2 in No. 57.]
Mr. Baker to
Señor Rivas.
Legation of the United States,
Managua, July 25, 1893.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your courteous and considerate letter of the 24th. In
view of the criminal act of yesterday morning in the throwing of
deadly shells from cannon into the houses of defenseless and
innocent women and children from steamers on the lake, and without
previous notice, you suggest to me the propriety, as a precautionary
measure, of removing myself and family to Granada, where we will
find perfect protection.
I thank you, sir, for your thoughtfulness and courtesy, but it seems
to me that my official duty requires my presence, in these times of
trouble, at the seat of the American legation located in the capital
of this country.
Besides, with the Government of the country in able hands and fully
equipped, located in this capital with the people of ten departments
of the twelve, I am assured by your honor, giving willing and loyal
support to that Government it would not seem to be expecting too
much of this Government so organized and supported to protect this
city against the uprisings of two or three cuartels in a distant
part of the country.
I am, etc.,