Mr. Foster to Mr. Shannon.
Washington, February 15, 1893.
Sir: Your No. 270 of 3d ultimo, and 279 of 18th, in the matter of the Myers claim against Salvador are received.
It now appears by your No. 270 (received on the 10th instant), or, rather, by its inclosures, that the sum of $2,500, named in your telegram [Page 183] of 11th January, was accepted “as a compensation in full for the loss of the property of the U. S. Government and of the private property of its consul, Mr. Henry R. Myers, as well as for the personal sufferings” of the consul referred to.
You will see that the draft mentioned in your No. 279 is promptly forwarded to the Department, which will then collect the money and pay to Mr. Myers his proportional part.
I am, etc.,