Mr. Gresham to Mr. Young.
Washington, August 4, 1893.
Sir: In connection with the Department’s instruction No. 2 of May 6 last, concerning the American steamer Pizatti, I have now to apprise you of the receipt of a letter from the Acting Attorney-General upon the subject, of the 27th ultimo.
It covers one from the U. S. district attorney at New Orleans, dated July 17, from which it appears that the steamship Pizatti was libeled on June 5, 1893, No. 13041, docket, U. S. district court eastern district of Louisiana, for violating the neutrality laws of the U. S. Revised Statutes, section 5283. The vessel was bonded in the sum of $20,000, but the cause will not be heard until the November term of the court, when it will be pushed to trial and judgment.
I am, etc.,