Mr. Thompson to Mr. Gresham.
Petropolis, February 23, 1894. (Received March 31.)
Sir: Referring to your No. 78, dated January 10, 1894, wherein you define the position of our Government with respect to efforts to prevent bombardment of the city of Rio de Janeiro and state that Capt. Picking has reported the violation by the Government of the accord upon which the action was based, I have the honor to inform you that as my action with other diplomatic representatives has been only of an intermediary nature, all action in this matter ceased upon the representation of the senior naval commanders that the city was fortified. This declaration of the commanders was not acquiesced in by the Government, as will be seen by the note of the minister for foreign affairs to the diplomatic representatives, dated January 8, transmitted in my No. 131. With regard to the second part of the same dispatch bearing upon the protection of commercial operations, my action has been reported in a previous dispatch (No. 122). It is extremely gratifying to me to realize that the position taken by this legation on the question was so closely in accord with the views you express and that my interpretation of your instructions was correct.
I have, etc.,