Mr. Thompson to Mr. Gresham.


Mr. Thompson transmits the substance of a request that Admiral da Gama sent him on that day through Admiral Benham, and in which recognition as belligerents is asked for the insurgents, who are represented as holding most of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, the States of Santa Catharina and Parana, and a portion of Sao Paulo. The communication observes that martial law has been declared seven different times. Mr. Thompson adds that he has seen no appearance of progress on the part of the insurgents with their government nor of correctness as regards their claim as to territory; that the request for recognition is not justified by any information that has reached him, but, judging from the attitude of English residents who are known to be in sympathy with the cause of the insurgents, although they have not overtly so declared, and from the information transmitted in his telegram of January 29 last, recognition might be contemplated.