Mr. Thompson to Mr. Gresham.
Petropolis, December 28, 1893. (Received February 3, 1894.)
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your telegram of December 26, instructing that I remain in Rio and at the same time to confirm mine of the 27th in reply.
In this connection I beg to state that from the beginning of the naval revolt we have had two trains a day without interruption between Rio and Petropolis; that during the months of September and October, and until the 20th of November, I was in Rio every day from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m., and when necessary remained there over night. During this period I was several times exposed to the fire of the insurgents, and on one occasion to that of the Government troops while on official business at the foreign office. I have never missed an engagement, and am not aware that I was ever absent when my presence there was required in an official capacity. About the 20th of November the dean and other members of the diplomatic corps, whose governments are represented here by naval forces, having, through the intermediary action of the latter with the insurgents, adjusted an accord to prevent bombardment of the city, ceased making daily trips to Rio. Excepting one period of eight days since the 20th November, when I was not well enough to go, I have been down from two to three times a week.
Fearing that some unwarranted report may have caused you to think otherwise I deem it proper to make this statement.
I have, etc.,