Mr. Smith to Mr. Blaine.
St. Petersburg, April 4, 1892. (Received April 19.)
Sir: I have the honor to state that His Majesty the Emperor of Russia presented to Capt. R. W. Sargent, commander of the steamer Indiana, an enameled goblet in remembrance of the part he took in bringing the flour offered by the citizens of Philadelphia to the people of Russia suffering from want of bread.
His Majesty has caused the goblet to be sent to this legation through Count Vorontzoff Daschkoff, minister of the imperial household, with the request that I would transmit it to its destination. I have accordingly addressed it to the Department of State and entrusted it to the care of Capt. Findley, commander of the Missouri, who has just arrived at Libau on a mission similar to that of Capt. Sargent, and who will thence proceed with his ship directly to the United States.
He will forward the goblet, properly encased, to the Department of State, and I have to ask that you will cause it to be sent to the mayor of Philadelphia to be delivered by him to Capt. Sargent. I inclose a copy of the letter of Count Vorontzoff Daschkoff, making known the Emperor’s wishes.
I have, etc.,