Mr. Smith to Mr. Blaine.
St. Petersburg, February 25, 1892. (Received March 12.)
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your telegram of the 18th instant, advising me that the steamship Indiana, laden with flour for Russia, given by the citizens of Philadelphia, would sail on the 22d, and instructing me to see that the American consul or some other fit man should coöperate with the agent who goes to take care of and distribute the gift. On this instruction I replied by telegraph on the [Page 370] 20th as follows: “Steamship Indiana will be received on arrival by American consul-general and others. Full arrangements will be made for prompt distribution of cargo as donors may determine. Desirable to know in advance amount in tons. Can assure faithful, conscientious distribution of all American gifts as givers may wish.”
Subsequent dispatches will indicate the arrangements more in detail.
I have, etc.,