Mr. Shannon to Mr. Wharton.

No. 128.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith copy of a note (with translation) forwarded to this legation during my recent visit to San José, Costa Rica, by his excellency the minister of foreign affairs of Salvador, giving official notification of the intention of his Government to arrest the operations of the treaty of amity, commerce, and consular privileges concluded between the United States of America and the Republic of Salvador December 6, 1870. His excellency at the same time expresses the desire of his Government to renew the treaty on more satisfactory terms.

By virtue of this official notification and in accordance with the first point of article 37, the existing treaty will continue in force until May 30, 1893.

I have, etc.,

Richard Cutts Shannon.
[Page 44]
[Inclosure 1 in No. 128—Translation.]

Señor Gallegos to Mr. Shannon.

Mr. Minister: I have the honor to inform your excellency that, with the desire of renewing on more satisfactory terms the general treaty of peace, friendship, commerce, etc., concluded between this Republic and the United States of America, December 6, 1870, and the ratifications of which were exchanged March 11, 1874, the Government of Salvador has, by decree of this date, resolved to denounce the same, as in effect it now does.

The existing treaty will therefore be considered as continuing in force until May 30, of next year.

I beg your excellency to have the goodness to bring the foregoing to the knowledge of the American Government and to accept the assurances of the distinguished regard with which I am, etc.,

Salvador Gallegos.