Mr. Wharton to Mr. Shannon.

No. 11.]

Sir: Referring to instruction No. 2, of 9th instant, I inclose copies of correspondence with the legation at Guatemala, on the complaint of Mr. Myers, consul at San Salvador, against the authorities of that Government, as set forth.

I am, etc.,

William F. Wharton,
Acting Secretary.

From Mr. Mizner, No. 141, August 18, 1890.

To Mr. Mizner, No. 170, September 10, 1890.

To Mr. Mizner, No. 177, September 18, 1890.

To Mr. Mizner, No. 189, October 6, 1890.

The above documents were printed in Foreign Relations, 1890.

From Mr. Mizner, No. 200, November 5, 1890.

To Mr. Kimberly, No. 10, December 29, 1890.

From Mr. Kimberly, No. 244, January 31, 1891.

To Mr. Pacheco, No. 37, March 2, 1891.

From Mr. Pacheco, No. 16, March 30, 1891.

To Mr. Pacheco, No. 8, July 23, 1891 (new series).

From Mr. Pacheco, No. 60, September 2, 1891.

The above documents are printed in this volume ante.