Mr. Pacheco to Mr. Blaine.
Guatemala, September 2, 1891. (Received September 17.)
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your instructions No. 8, of July 23, 1891, and to report that by referring to Mr. Mizner’s No. 188, of October, 18, 1890, you will find therein a paragraph reading as follows:
I will, by the next mail, communicate with the Provincial Government of Salvador on the subject of Consul Myers being refused a pass to leave the country.
I have made diligent search throughout our legation records but do not find anything to show that Mr. Mizner ever wrote to the Government of Salvador on the above subject. If he did, it does not appear on our books.
With regard to the needed information from Mr. Atherton, cable operator at La Libertad in July, August, and September last, I would likewise respectfully call your attention to Mr. Migzer’s No. 187, of October 18, 1890, and also his No. 203, of November 10, 1890, wherein he reports in the former—
That Mr. Atherton, the cable operator at La Libertad, is now in Panama, and that I have sent to him for a written statement of the control exercised over his office by the authorities of Salvador.
And in the latter dispatch he goes on to say:
Mr. Whitney has just returned and informs me that he had several conversations with Mr. Atherton, who stated distinctly that it is a part of the contract between the cable company and the Government of Salvador that the Government should have supervision of the correspondence, and that, as a matter of fact, during the late war in July and August last the authorities of Salvador did place a guard of soldiers over the cable office in La Libertad, controlling its business. Mr. Atherton, still being in the employ of the cable company, did not, for apparent reasons, feel disposed to reduce these matters to writing.
Permit me to say, in this connection, that I can not find further information to report from the records here.
I have, etc.,