Mr. Blaine to Mr. Thayer.
Washington, November 9, 1891.
Sir: It is with pleasure that I refer to your dispatch No. 257, of August 31 last, transmitting fifteen medals in bronze, three in each set, commemorative of the Netherlands’ recognition of American independence and the establishment of a treaty of commerce and navigation with the United States.
[Page 731]Until your recent visit to this capital it was not known that the Department was personally indebted to your generosity and kindness for these interesting symbols commemorative of our national existence. These medals possess a peculiar and patriotic interest. As you very aptly observe, after reciting the history and the incident each was intended to commemorate—
There can be no more interesting or profitable study for the citizen of the United States than the process of reasoning which led to our separate national existence and the adoption of the present form of government, or the motives which influenced the people of other lands to welcome our advent into the family of nations.
The Department appreciates the kindly motives which actuated you in forwarding these medals, and returns you its sincere thanks for these beautiful tokens which, through the courtesy of the Netherlands Government, you have been permitted to obtain.
I am, etc.,